Haye re Majburi , Haye re Jamana : Roti Bank Varanasi

Haye re Majburi , Haye re Jamana

Publish On :   2024-09-16

In a world of progress and modern advancements, a heart-wrenching reality still persists—countless individuals, driven by sheer desperation, are forced to scavenge for food in garbage bins. "Haye Re Majburi, Haye Re Jamana", these words echo the plight of those who are left with no choice but to find sustenance from what others discard. The sight of a human being, hunched over a pile of waste, picking through scraps of rotten food, is a stark reminder of the deep social inequalities that continue to exist.

The reasons may vary—homelessness, unemployment, or simply the inability to afford even a basic meal—but the pain and indignity they endure are the same. It is a crisis of humanity that in a time where food is wasted in abundance, so many still go hungry. The increasing gap between the rich and the poor, coupled with a lack of access to essential resources, has led to this tragic consequence.

It’s time for us to reflect: how did we, as a society, come to a point where people are reduced to such suffering? How can we bring change to ensure no one has to rely on garbage for survival?

Efforts like community kitchens, food banks, and the reduction of food wastage can make a world of difference. Let us come together to address this crisis, for every human being deserves to eat with dignity and respect.

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Haye re Majburi , Haye re Jamana
