Roti Bank Prayagraj : Roti Bank Varanasi

Roti Bank Prayagraj

Location :   Prayagraj

At Roti Bank Prayagraj, we are committed to eradicating hunger and ensuring that no one sleeps on an empty stomach. Our mission is simple: to collect excess food from restaurants, hotels, and households and distribute it to those in need. We believe that food is a basic human right and that every person deserves access to nutritious meals.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bridge the gap between food surplus and food scarcity. We aim to create a sustainable system where excess food can be redirected to feed the hungry, reducing food wastage and promoting a more equitable distribution of resources.

Our Vision

We envision a world where no one goes hungry, and food wastage is a thing of the past. By creating a network of donors and volunteers, we strive to ensure that every meal prepared finds a home, nourishing those who need it most.

What We Do

Food Collection: We partner with local restaurants, hotels, and households to collect surplus food. Our volunteers ensure that the food is collected safely and hygienically.

Food Distribution: Collected food is distributed to various shelters, orphanages, and slums across Prayagraj. We work tirelessly to reach the most vulnerable communities.

Awareness Campaigns: We conduct awareness campaigns to educate the public about the importance of reducing food wastage and how they can contribute to our cause.

Volunteer Engagement: Our strength lies in our volunteers. We engage with the community, encouraging people to volunteer their time and resources to help us in our mission.

How You Can Help

Donate Food: If you have excess food at home or run a business that has surplus food, consider donating it to us. Every meal counts.

Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers. Whether it’s helping with food collection, distribution, or administrative tasks, your time and effort can make a significant difference.

Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness about food wastage and hunger. Follow us on social media, share our posts, and encourage others to get involved.

Monetary Donations: Financial contributions help us cover transportation costs, purchase necessary supplies, and support our operational expenses.